
Saturday, November 24, 2012

Its Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas

With Thanksgiving behind me, I am ready to starting thinking about Christmas.  My friend Jill, however, starts her celebration the beginning of November!! 

 She has such a great sense of style, that I love her decor year round, but I thought I would share her Christmas decor, as it definitely helps me kick off my own Christmas spirit.

This is her kitchen tree, full of red and white candy and cooking implements.  Its a perfect reminder to get your holiday baking checked off your list!

And how festive is this chandelier treatment?  Thanks Jill for letting me stop by and share your extraordinary style!
 I hope you are all having fun plotting and planning your decor for this year, and that you enjoy the process as much as Jill does ... happy decorating!


  1. You friend does have a great sense of style! Love her trees! I don't blame her for starting early. They must take a lot of time and I would want to to enjoy them as long as I could!


    1. I actually admire her, its just that in November I am busy doing a tree for our local children's hospital charity auction ... :-)

  2. Replies
    1. My favorite part too!! So simple, and so charming!

  3. Love those felt stockings. Red and favorite color combination! Your Thanksgiving table was so gorgeous. The napkin rings are great. I may have to copy for a girlfriend Christmas lunch. Only not with turkeys :) Mimi

    1. Oh me too ... and as for the luncheon without turkeys, be sure to take lots of pics and share!!

  4. Love her style...very charming! Holiday baking? Hmm...guess I should get moving on that...and go to Costco! LOL! xo

  5. These are beautiful decorations! I'm a new follower and enjoyed your blog.

    I currently have a blog party posted and would love for you to post this! :)

