
Friday, November 23, 2012

The Endless Line that Snaked into Black Friday

This is my daughter Emily. After Thanksgiving dinner at my house, a movie and pie at my son's house the two of us struck out to find some bargains.
 Behind her is this line, that was 300 people long to the point where the we stood ... there were another 400 folks behind her waiting to get into Best Buy at midnight.

This is a group of cold people waiting in the line, snuggling to keep warm.
 That is a group of cold people waiting in line, covering up in blankets to keep warm.
Above is a group of cold people keeping their minds off the cold by playing games.
To the right is the group who has been living at Best Buy for two weeks, they are first in line!!  They are all ready to get the best deals!!
In the end, the crowd in Best Buy was extreme, but well managed ... the checkout line, though incredibly long took about 5 minutes to navigate!!
Kohl's on the other hand was a nightmare ... one long line snaked through the store, with at least 500 people in line ... there is nothing I want that bad, and certainly no discount that could repay me the several hours these folks had to wait to check out!!
So now, in the wee hours of black Friday, there is only one black thing in which I have any interest, and that is the black of the back of my eyelids ... night all.


  1. Thank you for sharing Black Friday. Looks so much fun and yet, a sweet reminder, that I am not willing to go out on Black Friday to try to get those deals. I lived it via your beautiful pics. Now I am really cold... lol.. I hope you got a great deal!!

  2. Looks like fun Black Friday over here :)
    Thank you for sharing.
    Thank you for taking the time to visit my place that inspires Nordic Holiday style, please visit soon, as I too will return.
