
Friday, December 7, 2012

A Volunteer for a Christmas Tree!

This is the story of the little tree that could ...  It started life as a volunteer, growing too close to the wall of the garage ... I  have known for years it needed to come out ... but the truth is I have a soft spot in my heart for all things that volunteer.

When I was a child I recall my mother telling me that a volunteer was a plant that was usually a good plant, but that just happened to grow from a seed that blew in from elsewhere.  They were rarely where you wanted a plant, but could be transplanted.  In our first house we transplanted a volunteer peach that started life a foot from the back porch, and from which we harvested bushels of unnamed peaches.

This summer my dh declared it was time to take out the lonely pine ... then I got a brain child.  Instead of unceremoniously cutting it and dragging it to the street for yard waste pick up ... why not wait a few months.
 Yesterday he cut the tree and brought it in and set it up.  When I got home from work I decorated it.  In all honesty, it was bitter sweet.  Love how the tree looks, and having a tree this fresh is wonderful.  I still wish we could have moved it, but its root involvement with a cement barrier made that impossible. 
I finished up decorating the little tree in time for it to be the star of my opening event of this Holiday hosting season.  I hosted the soup and salad course of a progressive dinner sponsored by our church group, last night.

So here's a fond thanks to a lovely volunteer, and to all of you for coming by to help support me in ambivalent tribute!

And for my thrifty friends, please note that all of the ornaments on this tree, except the church shown here, were $1 or less ... many were much less ... all purchased at garage sales, secondhand stores, the dollar store and Walmart.  The sparkly church was an extravagant $2!! 


  1. What a sweet story. I would feel the same. :-)
    Beautiful photos of your ornaments. Love the old church.♥

  2. Last night was our RS Christmas Dinner at our new church building. It was nice, but for many years we had the Progressive Dinner tradition. It was the favorite event of my holiday season. I loved going from home to home and seeing how each family decorated. I really missed it this year...but I hope they will rethink it...maybe have alternate years. Thanks for letting me sigh a bit. Your home is so lovely...I wish I was in your ward.

    1. So different, this was our RS's first time to do it, ever, to my knowledge, and it was lovely. Super turn out, with lots of folks we rarely see. The main course is together for major mingling. I am sure it will be a tradition here from now on ... oh and BTW I wish you were in my ward too!

  3. What a sweet post. Your tree is beautiful!

    Kelly @ View Along the Way

  4. Love your tree--so sparkly and beautiful!

  5. Beautiful! Thank you for joining me at Home Sweet Home and have a Merry Christmas!
