
Thursday, December 6, 2012

Family Photo Gallary Garland

Still crafting away for the holidays ... and this time I was making a garland to hang between my dining room and parlor.  I usually just hang faux greenery, nothing special ... but decided to go all out, you know dig into all those art and craft supplies I squirrel away.

Some of the pictures are family pictures, like the two pictures of women in the middle of this shot ... the one on the left is my mother, the one next to her is her favorite grandmother.

Sorry about the glare of the parlor chandelier, but I wanted to show you how the garland sort of frames the view of my tree.

These photos show the garland from the parlor side.  I backed all of the old photo medallions with ones facing the other way.  These two pictures to the left show why I chose to also use non-family photos ... they are just more interesting.  These two are from Graphics Fairy, as are several of the others.

In this final shot are two pictures, one is of my father and two of my cousins sharing his army jacket, and other is one of my favorite Graphics Fairy photos.
Thanks for coming along, and sharing my crafty life ... this garland took about 6 hours to make, and another hour to hang and adjust. 
 If you want to make one, these are the materials I used.
Vintage garland (strong enough to support extra weight)
Black and white photos printed on card stock, then cut out with deckle edge scissors.
Old light weight book pages for the folded zigzag streamers, which are tied in bundles and place between backing and photos on some of the medallions.
Old sheet music to be glued onto card stock, before being cut into a circle (which I traced) with scalloped scissors.
Paper lace placemats that I cut the border off and accordian folded into medallions.
Crepe paper and needle and tread to gather it into medallions.
Torn muslin gathered into medallions with needle and thread.
Crumpled rayon ribbon.
Unraveled cotton rope.
Small plastic ornaments from the dollar store.
Standards supplies, scissors, Tacky Glue, Glitter, etc.

I am linking up to the Saturday Night Special at Funk Junk Interiors.


  1. I hope you are sharing this on Graphics Fairy! You will be one of her featured items for sure! I am blown away by the beauty of that garland! You inspire me every day!

    1. Thanks so much for your very kind words, you don't know how much they mean to me, especially coming from some one who is far more talented than I.

  2. Your garland is beautiful. You also inspire me. I look at your blog everyday to see what is new. I wish I was as talented as you are Paula.....You do have such fun ideas....

    1. Thanks Carole, I so appreciate your generous spirit ... I know you have a creative bud in you too, don't you think we all do. You should definitely come to my paper bag book smash book event the end of January ... you may surprise yourself!!

  3. no nostalgic and charming.

    hope you will have a chance to stop by, and today i am hosting a giveaway. hope you win!

    peace to you.


  4. Paula, you have inspired me. I just had thought about doing something like this but wasn't sure how I wanted it to look and now I know. I'll post pics to show you when I get it done!!!! You are amazing.

    1. Thanks Kelli, that means a lot knowing how talented you are ... I can't wait to see it!!

  5. Genius! Perfectly over-the-top vintage garland celebrating family and christmas past!

  6. Love this!! Beautiful! Thank you for joining me at Home Sweet Home and have a Merry Christmas!
