
Monday, March 18, 2013

Spring Shadow Box Fun!

While at the Vintage Whites Market last week I found these small turquoise berry baskets ... had to have some!  Then ran into a lady who had purchased some of these tiny wooden chicks ... had to have some of those too.

 Naturally with new craft supplies on hand ... my mind started churning.  I had actually thought 'shadow box' when I picked up the baskets in the first place, so...
 with the addition of a sweet chicken and hatching egg picture from Graphics Fairy, I knew I was well on my way.

The feet for the bottom are actually pawns from a chess game ... with some yellow paint, of course. 
Thanks for coming along to share the whimsy!!


  1. You are so talented! It looks great. Megan

  2. I would love to take a tour of the inside of your head! You are my most creative bloggy friend bar none! Now I have to do a shadow box! Oops! Overdid the exclamation points again!!!!

  3. So cute Paula! Love those little wooden chicks. Mimi
