
Friday, March 15, 2013

Spring Lamb Wreath

Well, you know the old saying, "If at first you don't succeed, try, try again."  This is the same coffee filter wreath that I posted a couple of weeks ago with the garland of miniature Easter post cards.  Loved the look but on my front door the blowzy spring weather kept the garland in a sad state.

I had the idea of tucking eggs into the wreath, but wanted to minimize color, so I decoupaged plastic eggs with old book pages.  Then added the medallions made from textured 'paper bag colored' paper, on which I added stick on letters.  Next I added our lamb friend, one of my favorite spring motifs, this one is from Graphics Fairy, as usual.  Last of all I added bits of French blue seam binding, just for color.

When I dug into my vintage supplies I found this old blue bell, and after cutting off the paper bell our lamb  originally wore, I added it to a bit of seam binding and tied him up in a bow.  I think Blue Bell is a lovely name for a lamb, don't you?  Well, thanks for coming along to see the remaking of my wreath ... all the details are glued on with hot glue, so I think I am safe from any rearranging by the elements!!
Our weather has turned warm and sunny ... and I am feeling almost as frisky as a lamb myself ... hope your spring days are lovely as well!


  1. It's a beautiful wreath, and the blue ribbon finished it perfectly!

  2. Very cute and springy. I love anything with a lamb on it. I might need that black tray. Don't think I'll be able to get down that way until after conference. Can I let you know when I'll be coming? Thanks, Mimi

    1. Thanks Mimi, that sounds great ... just email me.
