
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Vintage Whites Market - Salt Lake Style

Last Saturday some friends and I got a chance to attend the first ever Vintage Whites Market at the Fair Grounds in SLC.  I took a few pictures of my favorite things and people and thought I would share!

Kelli (shown on the right) and I headed out of Payson (an hour south of the Fair Grounds) so as to make it before opening.  She is shown here with a new acquaintance, who she dubbed her twin!! 
We stopped half way to pick up my friend Wendy, shown here in one of my favorite booths at the show.  Don't you love the 'spring bird's nests' in the front? Of course Wendy is pointing out a fun banner for my inspection, does she know me, or what!?

Friends Cathie and Jenn had this great collection of army training items for sale in their booths along with lots of other treasures!!
 I loved the fun bow tie price tags on these vintage shirts ... labeled 'hipster'.

Then ran into this cute hipster couple!!

Just loved this booth, shown in these three pictures ... everything was so charming, so white, so bookish and so ME!

Above is another banner that caught my eye, I have always been a fan of Dick and Jane.  How cute is that!!  Of course running into people you know is the other half  of the  fun ... there were three dealers from Treasures Antique Mall who were there as vendors ... Here I am with Gretchen, another dealer at the mall who came to shop like me!

Also ran into Lisa, the proprietor of a local shop called Brambles ... this was 15 minutes into the show, and the laundry cart she is pulling is full!  Such a speedy girl!  I truly coveted the industrial wire basket on wheels she is pushing... and when she had loaded all these goodies into her truck, she came back in and did some more shopping!!

There were so many things to desire, so very much eye candy to be enjoyed ... added to sharing with friends ... bags and bags of goodies to take home

and then picking up some lovely cupcakes from these cute bakers, so I think we can declare the whole day a huge success ...  I especially enjoyed meeting lots of out of state vendors, including 7 who also do the Farm Chick's Sale in Washington.  The booth were almost all amazing. But my very  favorite booth was outfitted by Two Pits of a Pear, who are actually dealers in our antique mall ... I have saved lots of pictures of their booth to be shared at a later date.

... and last of all, I wanted to share this extra fun entry display which was put together  by my friend Jenn, who is the owner of 3 Dotters Vintage Rentals,  I thought it was just amazing, don't you!!
Thanks all for coming along and sharing this fun junking adventure!!


  1. Some great pictures and great stuff. Looks like a good time.


    1. Thanks, it was so fun, and so many talented people!!

  2. I worked for Brenda so she could go to the show! It looks amazing. Mimi

    1. It was nice to see Brenda, but it would also be lovely to see you!! Maybe next time!

  3. And now you are now in the land of amazing fleas and vintage fairs too!! Enjoy!!
