
Friday, May 24, 2013

Its Oh So Easy Loving Green!

That's me, a lover of all things green, especially when it comes to 50's green, which is the color I choose to compliment the white of the garden house we built last summer.

 Mr. P. suggested I get some pictures while the wild roses are in bloom.

In other news, 50's green also takes the  stage in this display I did at work today.  The sweet tiny Hoosier cupboard, with the green rimmed enameled surface, is the star of the show.

I had intended to use this cupboard in my home, but when it didn't fit just right, as I had imagined, it was off to the antique mall to find a new home.

I love that the crisp color pallet is so refreshing ... perfect for the long hot summer days to come.
 There are a few changes to the garden house.  Though I am mostly focusing on the collecting of white pottery, as is shown on the fireplace mantel.  You may notice one green pot, though, next to the candlestick lamp on the stove top. Just couldn't resist.

I was also pleased with this cute planter box I just finished.  It is all white, but the greenery inside completes the color scheme.  I fount the rabbit silhouette and the banner for the box at Graphics Fairy.  The quote in the banner is "Don't go into the garden, your father was put in a pie."  a shortened version of the real quote, from Peter Rabbit "Don’t go into Mr. McGregor’s garden: your Father had an accident there; he was put in a pie by Mrs. McGregor” .  I love the work of Beatrix Potter, doesn't everyone?

Here is another, parting shot of the garden house ... on one of its first spring mornings.  We didn't finish it until August last year.  I enjoying it already.  One day this past week, after my morning walk, and an hour working in the garden, I brought my breakfast out, and sank into the big wicker chair and foot stool ... I actually dozed off after breakfast, which was lovely.  I was surprised when I finally came to myself, and noticed the slant of the sun across the floor had changed, a lot!  I had napped for two hours.  It felt so deliciously lazy! I hope you are all finding the time to tuck in a nap, now and then, as well! Are you a nap lover?


  1. Your garden cottage is enchanting! I hope you have many hours to enjoy just sitting and enjoying the serenity of your gardens this summer.

    The small hoosier cabinet is adorable!!

    1. Thanks I am so enjoying it ... had grands and their folks here for an outdoor BBQ and the grands were having a ball in there.

  2. I do love that shade of green too! Your garden house is so fun. And Happy Birthday to you, even though it's a little late. Mimi

    1. Thanks Sue, I think a lot of people love that color. The Mormon settlers were crazy about it back in the 1890's too! So refreshing. Thanks for the birthday wishes!

  3. It's too bad that your little cabinet didn't go in your house Paula. It's definitely a cute one! I'm glad that you had a little deserve it and the last thing that you are is lazy! I wonder what you would do if you came out one morning to see the green on your garden house painted PINK with a certain "someone" napping inside...paintbrush still in hand...hmmm..... (*_*)

    1. I would say ... "Goldilocks has been painting on my house ... and she right there asleep in my easy chair ..." Then I would wake you up and we could have rose petal tea together.

  4. I love your garden cottage. How wonderful to have such a little house in your backyard. It keeps the rest of us wishing and dreaming. Nothing like a nap to feel totally pampered. If I had one of these beauties I would paint the trim blue. Have a wonderful day!

