
Wednesday, May 22, 2013

My Bookish Birthweek!

 My birthday was last week, but because of early gifts, and late gifts it lasted a week.

The funny thing is that everyone gave me books.  Of course I love books, so that made it the perfect birthweek!

My first book of the week was this picture book created by my daughter Becca with the help of her siblings and contains pictures of all 15 of my grandchildren. It was really a gift for Mother's Day!

 On Monday my husband gave me an iPad, which is a noteBOOK computer. 

 Then on Wednesday my kids took me out to lunch and gave me the first year of my blog printed into a book.

I am so thrilled to have it!
On Friday my best friends planned a party at Maui Chill, a local frozen yogurt place.  I received at least one book from each friend.  The 'P' above was cut from an old book, and was a gift from Barb.  I got a diet book (I had been wanting) and a Book about dressing for your personality type that we have all been talking about from Robin.  Then Donelle gave me an awesome church book I have been wanting to read.

Then this past Sunday, my son Trevor asked me to stop by his home on the way back from the Acorn Antique Show I had just finished.  I was treated to dinner and then was surprised with this book.  The Life and Times of Lars Rudolph Larsen, it is the biography of my father that I wrote (with lots of helps from siblings) for my fathers 100th birthday anniversary, four years ago.  I had them copied and bound in a plastic coil for my family.

My talented daughter-in-law (also my partner in flea.o.logy) had gotten Mr. P. to find the file on our computer, as well as the original pictures I had used.  She then reformatted the book, and photo shopped the pictures for the best possible resolution.  Then she had printed it off on special rag paper, and had made it, by hand, into a book. (She took a book binding class in college). 

When I opened the book I cried.  What an absolute labor of love.  I will cherish it forever.  I am so grateful to have so many wonderful and caring people in my life. 


  1. Wonderful birth week!
    Wonderful DIL!
    I pray your next year is even more blessed!

  2. Wow, what fantastic book gifts you received! Right from the hearts of your loved ones. I would be interested to know how your blog was printed into a book. I would like to do that for a special friend.

    1. Sorry it took me so long to get the address of the company that did it, but here it is. What a lovely thought!

  3. My good friend makes a book out of her blog each year.....What wonderful book's you received, especially the handmade ones...Happy Belated Birthday....
