
Monday, August 12, 2013

A Smash Book for a Sick Girl

 We have just passed an eventful weekend ... My 6 year old granddaughter, sometimes called Birdy, is sick.  On Friday she woke up with a bad stomach ache, her Dad took her to Instacare, then later in the day to her pediatrician, who sent her to the emergency room of the local hospital and there they sent her to Primary Children's Hospital, the premiere Children's Hospital in 6 states.  If you have followed my blog, you know this is the hospital for which our family is involved in fund raisers twice a year.  Well, I am afraid its our turn to find out about the wonderful facility first hand.

 Here is our girl not long after she arrived, and before the meds helped her pain and her temperature. 

Knowing she would be there for a few days, I thought it would be fun to do a smash book for her to embellish.

 I found a picture of the hospital on line, to add to the book.

 I also found a couple of pictures for her to color on Graphics Fairy.  I left room for some of her own art work.
 I also included markers for her drawings, and some stickers to place where she sees fit in her book.
You can see that she was pretty happy by the time we left the hospital at 3:00 A.M., on Saturday night.
Now we are all feeling better too, what the doctors saw on her liver at the first hospital, is  now thought to be an infection.  The doctors have been giving her super antibiotics, and will do more scans today.


  1. Godspeed. That brought chills to me. My 11 year old was diagnosed with type one diabetes at three years old. Had NO idea what we were in for. A week in ICU and forever changed lives, we don't let the disease win. I am glad she is doing better.

    1. Thank you so much ... children's medicine has to be such a hard field, and the people with the courage to do it, are amazing!! Thank heavens diabetes is manageable ...

      Eva's problem is also manageable, thank goodness. The biopsy showed it to be just cyst. Now she has a pic line and a fanny pack with a pump that will deliver strong antibiotics around the clock for six weeks, such a blessing. And she gets to start first grade, fanny pack and all!

  2. Replies
    1. Thank Carole, you are such a good friend. Look like everything is going to be OK.

      The biopsy showed that the spot on her liver was just a cyst. Now she has a pic line and a fanny pack with a pump that will deliver strong antibiotics around the clock for six weeks by IV, such a blessing. And she gets to start first grade, fanny pack and all!

  3. Sending Prayers. Love your little book and thoughtful gift set for her.

    1. Thank you so much for your prayers ... I do believe they make things happen. Thought I would let you know how things are going now. Eva's problem turned out to be quite manageable, thank goodness. The biopsy showed it to be just a cyst. Now she has a pic line and a fanny pack with a pump that will deliver strong antibiotics around the clock for six weeks, such a blessing. And she gets to start first grade, fanny pack and all!

  4. Hope your little granddaughter is getting better. What a great little book.

    1. Thank you, she is home now and doing much better.

  5. What a sweet Gramma you are!
    Praying speedy recovery for your grand daughter.

    1. Thank you, she is doing much better, I am sure your prayers helped and I appreciate it.

  6. Espero que tu nieta se mejore, me entristecio la noticia, pero esa carita tan preciosa seguro que mejora pronto. Muchos besos

  7. I will be praying for her Paula. That first picture almost made me cry. So nice to see her smiling in the last picture. I am sure she is loving her fun book! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

    1. Thanks Jann, she is such a sweetie, and also, sometimes, such a punk. They found out it was just a cyst and they are treating it. She is home and starting first grade next week!

  8. Oh my goodness Paula, I just saw this! I hope she is doing well now, she looks like such a sweetie! I'll keep her in my prayers!

    1. Thank you for your prayers. She is doing much better.

      The biopsy showed it to be just a cyst. Now she has a pic line and a fanny pack with a pump that will deliver strong antibiotics around the clock for six weeks, such a blessing. And she gets to start first grade, fanny pack and all!

      Thank you for always having the graphics I need no matter what the project is that I intend to do. Many of my friends have also hooked up with you, and I often gets thanks for letting them know about such a great resource. So thanks again.
