
Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Tour of Utah Bike Race and Me!

The wonderful old lime stone house in Hoytsville was owned by the grandparents of my childhood neighbors.  Its the house that made me fall in love with antiques and old houses, when I was nine!

 Last weekend, Mr. P. and I ran up to Hoytsville to check out the goodies at the occasional Vintage Market there.  I had missed shopping it the day before, and thought he might enjoy the trip into the mountains, for the second day of the sale.

Except, as it turned out, the sale was just Friday.  Opps  ... but the owner lives next door and happened to be at 'the old milk barn' ... so she let me browse, how nice is she?

We had noticed, on driving into town, that the main road was lined on both sides with vans painted with notices of bikers from foreign counties, and we realized we had happened onto the Tour of Utah bike race... they had come through Payson on Wednesday when I was at work, sadly, so it was serendipitous that we happened by when we did.

Sure enough on our way back through town, the police closed the road, so we walked along the route, and got to see some of the best bikers in the world ride by!

 It was so fun to smile and wave at the locals who had come to cheer on the cyclists.  Everyone loved it ...
OK, maybe not everyone, I noticed a few kids who seemed bored.  

1 comment:

  1. Lol! My daughter is an avid cyclist, but I wonder why she never participates in Tour of Utah. She goes to Leadville and other out-of-state races. But I guess she prefers trails to roads. Oh, well. I had a good laugh about the "bored kids" =D
