
Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Downton Abbey Tea Party and Pennant Banner

 Welcome to my Downton Abbey Tea Party in honor of my friend Jenn who was visiting from Virginia ...

This is the 'help', my 'parlor maid' Becca, and my 'butler', Perkins.

The Menu
Crumpets with Clotted Cream, Marmalade and Lemon Curd
Chicken Salad Puffs
Ribbon Sandwiches
Various herb and fruit teas
Assorted 'biscuits'
Jenn, Ann and Robin got into the mood by dressing the part.
 I tried to get everyone in the mood with a few English touches.  I made the Downton Abbey banner in about an hour.  Since I often spend hours and hours doing them, I was very happy with this quickie effort.
Instead of carefully taping antique book pages to sheets of printer paper, and sending them through my printer, one at a time to receive either a medallion, a letter or both ...  I just found this great handwriting sample on Graphics Fairy, and printed off a trimmed version 2 to a page on card stock, cut them out, then punched the borders, and stamped a letter on each before gluing them onto a length of black garland and voila!

 Michelle was also, luckily, in town from Arizona, and is shown here with Jenn and her mother Doreen to the right.
Here are Robin, Barb and Ann, all longtime friends.

 Other decorating touches were to add a Lady Grantham plaque to an antique portrait, as well as printing off a picture of Lady Mary in her wedding dress and hanging it.

I already have a few tributes to our friends across the pond, like this lamp.  I also have Busts of British Royalty, a few crowns and a lovely antique book with Queen Elizabeth's portrait on the cover.

Now we just have to wait for the new season to arrive so I can watch it on my 'big' screen TV ... although I must admit that I have already cheated and watched the first episode on line ... thanks Stacy!


  1. Wow! You really went all out. Looks like a very fun afternoon~

  2. What a fun party for your friends Paula. I love Downton Abbey and your banner turned out fabulous! Who knew you could watch it on line? I think I'll wait for the big event and watch it in our new theater room. The bigger the better. lol! Thanks for sharing with SYC.
