
Monday, September 23, 2013

The Star Mill Antique Store and its Stories

 Lucky me ... I have always wanted to check out all the nooks and crannies at a local antique store which is located in a historic mill.
This past week I got the chance to do just that at the Haunted Mill Event sponsored by Shannon at Lucky Red Hen and Angie at The American Homemaker!
Boy do those girls know how to throw a party!!

The event started with some browsing through the booths set up by local antique and collectible dealers, and yes, there were some great deals.
Next Daniel Copper, shown above, the owner of the Star Mill Antique Shop told the wonderful history of the mill, including the fact that it burned down twice ... and was rebuilt.

 Of course the mention of ghosts is always fun this time of year ... such as the story of the little girl who wandered off down some stairs when her mother was shopping at the mill, who, when called back by her mother said "But I was going with the lady" ... another child turned and left the back room of the mill, saying to her mother that the apparently empty room had "too many people in it." 

 After the talk we got to wander all over the property, including the historic home of the miller, and several spaces that are normally closed to the public. 

I did find a lot of treasures to take home, as usual ... what fun!
It was especially fun seeing all the large gears, funnels, wheels, and cranks of the mill machinery, as Daniel had told us that when he was researching the mill, he was told by experts at the Smithsonian that it was one of only 10 complete 1800's mills still in existence, and the only one west of the Mississippi.

 Here is my friend Christine, who manages the Utah Vintage Yard Sale site, she had some fun spooky Halloween décor for me to add to my dining room mantel. 

 To the left is one of the food trucks where we got lunch ... mine was an ABC grilled cheese (Apple, Bacon and Cheddar)  Yummy!!
My friend LaVern and I both had a great time ... note my van behind us in front of the mill, all ready for me to load the amazing antique door turned huge wall mirror that we stopped off and dropped at the Treasures Antiques on the way home. 
 Yes, a good time was had by all!


  1. Does Daniel still open the mill on a regular basis? I haven't been there for ages...Daniel always helped out with the History Pageant at the cemetery across the street. He was our best source for stories and props for our scenes. Such a nice guy!

    1. He actually talked about doing that ... and how he loved it .... yes he's open Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Sorry you missed the event, I had no idea you had the connection with him. The history pageant sounds fun, when is that?
