Its hard to believe that Bruce and I have apparently made the short list for the Acorn Show!! We have been doing the Walter Larsen show in Salt Lake for three years (Bruce much longer than that) and were thrilled to have been allowed to fill a short term vacancy in the February show.
We have now completed our second Acorn Show, as Heidi, the organizer has happily added a third show to her repertoire. We are now on board for the show in November and are very happy about that.
Here I am on set up day with my brother Doug. He lives in Kaysville, 80 miles from my home in Payson, and I rarely get to see him. Happily he wanted to borrow something, for which I had made arrangements with his cute wife on Facebook, and luckily for me Doug did the leg work. It was fun to show him around the show (he's not an antiquer) and was able to introduce him to a few friends. I think my smile in this pic tells how I was feeling about the diversion!! (I need to mention that Doug is just older than I, and was ever the object of my sibling worship when I was growing up!! You could not possibly meet a nicer man!)
These sweet 30's lithos will also be making another trip to another show on another day.
They have a wonderful selection of antique toys, dolls and children's size antique furniture. You can also find their goodies just inside the door at the Walter Larsen Antique Show in October if you can't wait for the next Acorn Show in November.
Of course our first stop is just across the aisle to see the adorable retro booth of our friends from Eden. Cathie mugs with a 50's styled mannequin.
I really missed an opportunity here. When we were setting up they had this mannequin sitting primly and properly in the passenger seat of their car. I know I should have run for my camera, it made me smile!!
Of course Cathie would look stunning in this outfit herself, and it IS her period of choice. Of course this is a working show, so the next day she showed up in a 50's style house dress with an amazing grandma apron. Just seeing Cathie dressed like that made me think of cookies .... mmmmm
Of course once Cathie and I were out and about, we had to stop and see Stacy's adorable booth. Her very masculine husband Wade was manning the space while Stacy did a bit of browsing of her own. For some reason he did not fancy having photos of himself in her booth of pinkness. What a good and supportive husband she has. (As do most lady antique dealers with non antiquer hubbies!!)
I loved the lacy lattice that formed the two sides of her booth. Stacy is an amazing decorator, as followers of this blog already know, so though this was her first show, no one would have ever guessed that. kudos to Stacy!!
A bit mnore browsing led to meeting friends new and old and is always a high light of any show. On the left we see Cathie with a mother and daughter team from Idaho. I bought from them at the last show, but did not meet them until this show. Cathie had made their acquaintance, as Cathie is so good at doing and introduced us. They have wonderful stuff, a lot of old painted furniture and girly smalls. Their prices are as friendly as their smiles, so if you find yourself at an Acorn Show in the future, be sure to look for these lovely ladies, you won't regret it!
On the right is a picture of me with Joane who always does the Walter Larsen show too, so I have known her for years. Joane hails from Nebraska and has invited Cathie and me to come and see the antique wonders of the mid-west. We are still in the planning stages, but what a dear, don't miss her affordable antique booth either!!
And last but certainly not least is a picture of me with my booth babysitter. I love sharing a booth with Bruce, because he is so generous in letting me wander the show, besides the fact that he is a big muscly man who helps me move the stuff I can't manage alone. He is a knowledgeable dealer and has great stuff along with a large network of antique dealer friends to whom he kindly introduces me. You may notice peeking over my shoulder in this picture the sweet young cub reporter's portrait that was left behind at flea.o.logy (if you follow that blog). Bruce is actually going to spiff her up and find a good home for her.
Thanks for coming along and enjoying the virtual Acorn Show. Be sure to come and see us again in November. I will keep you posted.