My friend and fellow treasure's antiques dealer, Keith has been busy this week ...
He changed his two large booths and this case this week.

I love his style ... And his taste in product, these old cash register flags are so charming .
He's come to specialize in smalls, like those in this display of bone dominoes, pottery ink wells, watch faces and any number of tiny novelty items .....
Like antique wire frame glasses frames.
Or colorful metal children's garden items.
Here we step back to view a larger area!!
His sense of proportion sometimes allows for odd bed fellows like tea cups and flower frogs.
Post cards are always a staple...
As are old photos ...
He also has lots of stereo view cards.
Seasonal goodies are available all year here!!
As you see...
A tiny vintage Christmas tree can show up anywhere.
His vignettes are always charming.
And his collections can be fun, like these old beakers, ready for your mad scientist display for Halloween.
He's come to specialize in rusty cut out metal letters! A real favorite with our customers.
Seeing his spaces at Treadures Antiques is always a treat for me! These booths are in our south mall, but he has more notable displays in his booths at the north mall as well. If you want to see his merchandising artistry just ask to see number 17s booths in either store!!