Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Afterlife Vintage in Sugarhouse!

Jacqueline and Logan, who are vendors at Fleaology,  opened a retro store a couple of weeks ago. 
They are long time mid century enthusiasts and wanted to share! 
This is their store front on 7th east, just south of 21st in Sugarhouse!  Afterlife Vintage! 
The day they held their grand opening soirée I spent the day junking in Southern Utah and when I ran across this MCM lamp I knew I had the perfect 'Shop Warming' gift.  Here Hubs holds the lamp as we run into Steve and Joni, also Fleaology dealers and friends!  They were set up making jewelry from silverware!  In fact their business name is Silverwear! Clever people!! 

Here are a few shots in the store. 
Great stuff and .... 

Fun displays! 
Here I'm shown with Jacqueline and the lamp!! 
Of course I found a few goodies to take home, including this cute pair of squirrels!! 

If you're local, be sure to check out their vintage goodies!!  You'll love J and L two of the very nicest people I know!  

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Numbered Glass Canisters

Here I am doing some final touches on my kitchen!
I love how the canisters turned out and thought I'd share how I did them.

I found these numbers I liked on Graphics Fairy and then italicized a font to get slanted letters.  I did have to tweak the font a bit to get the letters to match the numbers better.
I taped the numbers inside the jar and traced them with a Sharpie

A fine brush and craft paint to paint the numbers ...

Here's the first coat of paint going on, It takes several coats of paint for a finished look
And voila!!
I chose all white product to make them match the kitchen and it saves me cupboard space too. 

Here I have, white flour, sugar, powdered sugar, rice and pancake mix. I figured potato buds would also have worked. 

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Save A Nickle Grocery Sign

Perhaps you didn't know, but I am married to a grocer.  So when the hot new trend of hanging 'grocery, market and farmers market' signs in one's kitchen came along,  I knew I wanted one that would reference his employer. The store is now called Maceys, after the family that started the store. (no not Macy's)  ... But when it started back in the 1930's it was originally called Save A Nickle.  I googled the name hoping to find a picture of their store sign, to no avail. 
So this is what I did instead. 
I found a large wood sign to spray paint black. 
Then I stretched and printed off the graphics for an old grocery store logo that I found on Graphics Fairy. 
Next I adapted the name to Save a Nickle. 
I then scribbled on the back with pencil and traced over the design to leave very light markings.
As you can see. 
Next I got paint and a brush and painted my adapted design. 
I was pretty happy with how it turned out. 
I hung it up in my newly redone kitchen ... 
Then my Dear Husband texted me a picture of a picture hanging on a coworkers office wall.  Really?  But I love it so much that it's back to the drawing board for me.  A replica will be perfect for my black and white kitchen ... Don't you think? 

Monday, September 21, 2015

Industrial and Steampunk Decor Tour.

I happily ran into my friend Marci while out junking, which was a happy accident, one day last week.  Since she lives near the store, where we met up, she invited me to come over and see what's new at her house... 
... And if you've followed me for long you know that with Marci there is always something new!! She is now decorating in an Industrial ala Steampunk style, that I love. 
Most of these pictures are from her living room.  Note the rusty corrugated wall covering on this wall. 
She's basically using orange and black, since they are the industrial colors  when you take rust into account. 
And here's a fine collection of trophies for me to covet. 
A friend made her this light fixture from an old industrial glass tube! 
Of course old books and white busts are right up my alley. 
The Victorian  explorer represented. 
Craftsman style and shop storage with an early phone, complete this vignette. 
Another favorite spot is her primitive bookcase with more old leather tomes and clocks too!! 

Industrial metal cubbies filled with machinery bits seems like a great combo. 
Her dining Chandy with a metal cage! 
Spiked flower frogs to hold old photos. 
And matching vintage door knobs and back plates grace her cabinets, she said it took her years to collect enough of the doorknobs. . 

Her table is amazing, and I love her center piece, a dog bowl filled with industrial sized nuts and bolts. 
Here is her nod to medical history, happily some of it good old fashioned quackery fun 

I loved her use of cubbies with her fine bits of, some are somewhat shabby, European and American antique lace. I might have to steal this idea!! 
Thanks for the lovely afternoon, dear friend. 
I loved meeting your friend Oliver!