Here we are checking out the amazing shops at Gardner Village. Our favorite, of course, is Anastasia's Attic, which is full of magical things, including the charming "sayings" bracelets that Vicki, the good witch of the North introduced me to, and which I now also wear. Mine is a silver tone bracelet that says "Expect Miracles". Aunt Elsie's is another favorite that we both enjoyed, it is chock full of charming crafts, and my personal favorite, antiques!! Well, and there's the fudge shop too .... and of course

...the important part of Gardner Village is finding goodies you just won't find anywhere else. I LOVE the purple witch shoes, but I was worried they would clash with my green witch skin color ... Hmmm, but maybe as an alternative to my usual Elfaba's pointy black hat .... I could go for this great 'Sock Monkey' chapeau that I know my friend Bronwyn would adore!! I got the hat at a brand new boutique at Gardner's Village called the Posh Peddler. Great clothes and super great prices!!
I just want to thank Vicki for a wonderful afternoon. I look forward to many more fun events with her, and maybe sometime we can even meet up in our witches garb!! (hmm, maybe purple shoes and green skin wouldn't be too bad ... I do have those black and white striped socks and ..... hmmmm)